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Sunday, December 19, 2010

On Asian Parents

Sorry for the delay in posting, but my parents weren't letting me get on the computer for no apparent reason. Of course, you can already tell where this is going, right? First things first, do you have a mom who nags, yells, or otherwise is just plain annoying? Well then, imagine her getting upset at any random thing, even if it doesn't make sense, and yet still wanting you to spend "family time" with her, and not knowing why you even are annoyed by this.Then you get an Asian parent. Yes, in an Asian family, even your DAD is like this. So much for masculinity. You know, I always get annoyed when all those kung fu movies show Chinese men as super awesome manly men who know karate and can kill you in one punch, because, in real life, Chinese men are more like this. OK, I can't seem to post a picture, but just search Asian nerd man on Google images, an look at the second pic. Asian parents also push you as if not knowing calculus in 7th grade will get you killed, push you to eat strange food, and force you to speak Chinese at home despite the fact that we live in America. I could go on and on about these things, but that's for another post. Another thing about parents like mine is that they are hypocritical to no extreme. My mom is always getting on my case about sitting up, and yells at me all the time for it, even when SHE isn't. She also tells me to be accurate when I tell people how much time I'm gonna spend on the computer, even though, when she goes to the store, she tells me she'll be shopping for 1 min to get some milk and eggs and comes out an hour later with a shopping cart full of items that I have to put in the trunk. Oh yeah, did I not mention the fact that they tend to speak in some garbled mess of Chinese and English. I mean seriously, choose a language already. Finally, they tend to always try to teach you Chinese proverbs that have no absolutely no relation to real life. And, of course, my mom is yelling at me to get off the computer. why does it always seem that what I talk about in my posts happen in real life?

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